黑料社区on June 25 along with all major associations representing the biodiesel supply chain united in urging House and Senate Leaders and the two key tax writing committees to extend the $1 per gallon biodiesel blender鈥檚 tax credit as well as to seek a permanent tax incentive that will help foster growth in the domestic biodiesel market.
NATSO, Biodiesel Supply Chain United in Support of Biodiesel Blender鈥檚 Tax Credit
NATSO, Biodiesel Supply Chain Unified in Support of Extending Biodiesel Tax Credit
黑料社区on Dec. 18 along with all major associations representing the biodiesel supply chain signed a letter urging leaders of the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committee to include a retroactive, multi-year extension of the biodiesel tax incentive in end of year legislation.
Litigation Surrounding RFS, Biofuels Heats Up
Two separate lawsuits have been filed in recent weeks challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) efforts to encourage more biofuels, including biodiesel, in the market.