New Jersey is set to allow private companies to sponsor rest areas and service areas in return for their upkeep after the New Jersey Senate voted unanimously to advance a bill to Gov. Chris Christie that would authorize corporate sponsorship on rest areas along the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway and other state-owned highways.
07-08-2013Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) has re-introduced legislation aimed at keeping larger and heavier commercial trucks off the road by extending the federal size and weight restrictions on commercial trucks to include the entire National Highway System (NHS). This marks the second piece of legislation in recent months to address the issue of larger commercial vehicles, making it increasingly likely that truck size and weight will be debated when Congress begins working to reauthorize surface transportation programs next year.
05-13-2013The New Jersey Senate Transportation Committee voted unanimously last week to advance a bill to allow private companies to sponsor rest areas and service areas in return for upkeep of the facilities. S2514 next moves to the Senate floor. If approved there, the bill would advance to the Assembly for further consideration.
03-18-2013Fuel supplies in New York and New Jersey are slowly returning to normal after Hurricane Sandy, and officials are continuing to take action to reduce shortages that still remain in some areas. In New York City and Long Island, authorities announced gas rationing systems that started on Nov. 9.
11-12-2012The U.S. Energy Department is working with the Defense Department and National Guard to get emergency generators to gas stations that lost power in New York and New Jersey, creating long lines of customers.
11-05-2012The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a second diesel sulfur waiver for the state of New Jersey.
11-02-2012EPA in consultation with the U.S. Department of Energy has issued a waiver for reformulated gasoline (RFG) in 16 states and the District of Columbia to prevent disruptions of the supply of RFG in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
11-01-2012New Jersey trucking executive warned that rapidly increasing toll rates as well as the spread of tolls across the transportation system pose a significant threat to consumers and the trucking industry.