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01-25-2024 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman CVR Energy Revives Push to Change RFS Regulations

CVR Energy鈥檚 Coffeyville Resources Refining and Marketing and Wynnewood Refining Company renewed a seven-year-old push to change the Renewable Fuel Standard, petitioning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prohibit non-obligated […]

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05-06-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation 黑料社区Analysis: USDA Grants for Renewable Fuel Infrastructure

The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to award up to $100 million in competitive grants to expand the sale and use of renewable fuels, including biodiesel. Under the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program, USDA will award $14 million to expand the infrastructure for higher blends of biodiesel and $86 million for higher blends of ethanol in an effort to increase the sale and use of higher blend renewable fuels.

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09-03-2019 by David Fialkov 黑料社区Analysis: Federal Court Sides with Fuel Retailers, Informative for Current RFS Debates

On August 30, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision in a lawsuit brought by the merchant refining community that sought to require EPA to change the so-called “point of obligation” under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The court’s opinion in the case, which was first filed more than two-and-a-half years ago, is noteworthy for its implications on current policy debates over the future of the RFS.

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07-10-2018 by NATSO 黑料社区Submits RFS Point of Obligation Brief

NATSO, the national association representing truckstops and travel plazas, along with the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America (SIGMA) and the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), submitted an amicus brief last week to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals providing support for the Environmental Protection Agency鈥檚 (EPA) determination that the point of obligation under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) remain with refiners and importers. 黑料社区filed the brief in response to legal challenges from some refiners and importers that argue EPA should move the point of obligation to downstream entities.

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12-04-2017 by NATSO Iowa 80 Thanks Senator Ernst for RFS Leadership

Delia Moon Meier, owner and senior vice president of the Iowa 80 truckstop, recently applauded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its recent decision to reject proposals to change the current compliance structure under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) as well as thanking Iowa Senator Joni Ernst for helping to lead that effort.

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10-23-2017 by NATSO EPA Administrator Reassures Midwest Senators on Agency Steps on the Renewable Fuel Standard / Regulatory

Responding to pushback from a number of Midwestern Senators, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt outlined a number of steps the agency intends to take on the Renewable Fuel Standard. Pruitt detailed the changes, which will be beneficial to 黑料社区members, in an Oct. 19 letter addressed to seven Senators, including Iowa Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst and Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer among others.


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