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08-14-2019 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman FDA to Assess Menu-Labeling Compliance

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDA) on Aug. 13 said that it plans to assess industry compliance with the menu labeling requirements that went into effect more than a year ago. FDA has up until now refrained from enforcing its menu labeling regulations for restaurants and convenience stores and instead focused on education and outreach to help chain restaurants or similar retail food establishments understand the new menu labeling regulations. The Aug. 13 update, however, clearly indicates that enforcement efforts will increase in earnest.

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05-09-2016 by NATSO FDA to Regulate, Restrict E-Cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized a new regulation that would extend its regulatory authority to cover all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaping products, rather than only traditional combustible cigarettes.


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