Beginning July 1, a number of states will see changes to the price of fuel at the pump as new taxes take effect.
Fuel Tax Changes Take Effect in Several States July 1
Missourians Could Vote on Transportation Sales Tax
The Missouri House of Representatives last week voted to put a 1-cent transportation sales tax on the ballot for public vote.
States Seek to Change Motor Fuel Taxes to Increase Transportation Revenues
The number of states seeking to generate transportation revenues by adjusting their state motor fuel taxes continues to grow, with lawmakers in Minnesota, Vermont and Pennsylvania marking the latest to introduce such legislation.
More States Weigh Sales, Fuel Tax Hikes
The number of states seeking to generate transportation revenues by increasing sales taxes or state motor fuel taxes is growing, with lawmakers in Missouri and Washington marking the latest to introduce such legislation.
Arkansas Aims to Use Sales Tax for Roads
A proposed constitutional amendment on Arkansas鈥檚 ballot this November would add a half-cent to the state鈥檚 6-cent sales tax to raise money for transportation.