
05-24-2021 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman Senate EPW Unveils Surface Transportation Reauthorization Plan

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unveiled a five-year, $303.5 billion Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act of 2021 plan on May 22, after President Biden reduced the size of his $1.7 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan by about a quarter in a bid to advance negotiations with Republicans. STRA marks a 34 percent increase over current funding levels, with 90 percent of funds allocated to states through formula funding.

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02-09-2017 by NATSO Senate Committee Examines Infrastructure Policy

For the second time in as many weeks, a key congressional committee held a hearing to consider funding options for improving the nation’s infrastructure. Throughout the hearing, senators emphasized the need to find direct funding opportunities — such as raising the motor fuel excise tax — because private financing does not provide a complete solution, especially in rural communities.


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