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03-07-2019 by NATSO 黑料社区Supports DRIVE-Safe ACT

Following the introduction of companion, bipartisan legislation in the U.S. House and Senate designed to alleviate a nationwide shortage of truck drivers, 黑料社区joined nearly 70 organizations in supporting the DRIVE-Safe Act, which would allow commercial drivers aged between 18 and 21 to engage in interstate trucking.

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10-04-2017 by NATSO Senate Committee Approves Self-Driving Vehicle Legislation Sans Truck Policy

The U.S. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee unanimously approved self-driving vehicle legislation Oct. 4. The legislation passed without regulation for commercial trucks after Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) withdrew his amendment that would have modified S. 1885, the American Vision for Safer Transportation Through Advacement of Revolutionary Technologies Act so that it would apply to commercial trucks.


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