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06-21-2019 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman House Ways and Means Committee Advances Tax Extenders

The House Ways and Means Committee late last night advanced legislation that would extend temporary tax provisions through 2020, including the Biodiesel Tax Credit.
The committee voted 25 to 17 to advance a bill to extend the tax breaks that expired in 2017 and 2018 or will expire at the end of this year.

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03-01-2019 by NATSO Sens. Grassley, Wyden Introduce Tax Extenders Legislation

U.S. Senate Finance Committee leaders on Feb. 28 introduced legislation to extend the biodiesel tax credit and a variety of other tax provisions that expired in 2017. The legislation provides for a two-year extension covering activities (i.e., biodiesel blending) that occurred in 2018 and 2019.

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12-18-2015 by NATSO Congress Passes Tax Extenders Legislation, Including Biodiesel Blenders Credit

Congress passed a tax extenders package that contains a clean, two-year extension of the biodiesel blenders credit (retroactive to Jan. 1, 2015). This is a significant victory for 黑料社区and the fuel marketing community. After months of intense advocacy efforts opposing a shift from a blender credit to a producer credit, Congress ultimately agreed with 黑料社区that a blenders credit is better for consumers and the best way to encourage domestic consumption of biodiesel.

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11-14-2014 by NATSO 黑料社区Urges Quick Action on Tax Extenders

黑料社区and a group of associations representing the nation’s fuel retailers are urging Congress to act quickly on a tax extenders package, with particular support for a retroactive extension of the $1-per-gallon biodiesel tax credit.

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11-07-2014 by NATSO Tax Extenders Package Expected in Lame Duck

When Congress returns to Capitol Hill on Nov. 12 for the lame duck session, Republicans and Democrats are expected to discuss several issues of importance to 黑料社区members, one of which could be a tax extenders package.


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