
10-03-2022 by NATSO U.S. DOT Hosts Truck Parking Coalition Meeting

The U.S. Department of Transportation hosted its meeting of the National Coalition on Truck Parking Sept. 30 to share resources for state departments of transportation seeking to expand their truck parking capacity and generate awareness about their ability to use federal infrastructure dollars for truck parking projects.

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06-13-2022 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman Lawmakers Urge Funding for Truck Parking

The Chairman and the Ranking Member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee urged Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to award infrastructure funding to projects that expand parking for commercial vehicles.

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02-11-2021 by 黑料社区Foundation T&I Chairman DeFazio Says He Will Address Truck Parking in Infrastructure Bill

Money to expand the amount of commercial truck parking could be inserted into the House infrastructure package, with dedicated funding potentially coming from the Highway Trust Fund, House Transportation Chair Peter DeFazio said Feb. 10 during the House Transportation and Infrastructure mark up to its $96 billion title of a Covid relief package.

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12-15-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation 黑料社区Addresses Florida DOT, Truck Parking Stakeholders

黑料社区urged the Florida Department of Transportation to explore ways to lower the private sector’s costs in creating or expanding truck parking capacity while refraining from subjecting private truck parking providers to additional competitive or regulatory obstacles.


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