Motor carriers, the primary customer base of truckstops and travel plazas nationwide, are preparing for the new safety protocol Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010).
04-15-2010In business it is a given that you need to know your customer, but taking it a step further and getting to know your customer’s customer proves you are committed to truly meeting all parties’ needs.
04-01-2010A tight economy has everyone looking for a bargain and professional drivers and the traveling public is no different. Low price points and convenience are driving sales of hot foods within the convenience and trucker stores at several truckstops and travel plazas.
03-15-2010Trade shows are one of the few times when a company’s key prospects and current customers are gathered together under one roof, and smart exhibitors know that opportunities to connect with show attendees are not limited to the show floor.
02-15-2010Trade shows are an investment of both time and money. Knowing how to get the most out of any show can help exhibitors see the return on investment they were hoping for when they filled out their registration form.
02-01-2010When it comes to connecting with customers before a trade show, personal contact is the key.
01-15-2010Industry suppliers looking to introduce a product or target a new customer can get on the inside track by hearing directly from truckstop owners and operators who shared their top-selling items with NATSO.
12-31-2009Enthusiastic customers can often do more for a supplier than even the splashiest ad. When you factor in that they target the exact market you’re seeking and they come at a much lower cost, encouraging customers to talk is a no-brainer.
12-15-2009Welcome to NATSO’s first edition of Highway Business Matters — a brief semimonthly newsletter created exclusively for companies that provide products or services to the truckstop and travel plaza industry!