House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Penn.) is urging Republicans to support federal spending on transportation.
07-22-2013House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R.-Pa.) and ranking member Nick Rahall II (D.-W.Va.) joined with Representatives Tom Petri (R.-Wisc.) and Peter DeFazio (D.-Ore.) in asking Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to stay the implementation of the new Hours-of-Service rule until after the U.S. Court of Appeals rules on pending challenges.
03-25-2013Representatives Michael Michaud (D-Maine) and Reid Ribble (R-Wisc.) recently introduced H.R. 612 the Safe and Efficient Transportation Act of 2013, which would allow longer and heavier trucks on the National Highway System.
03-04-2013In the next election, Wisconsin voters will have the opportunity to approve an amendment to their state constitution that would prevent governors and legislators from diverting money in the state鈥檚 transportation fund to any other purpose.
03-04-2013Lawmakers at both the federal and state level are saying they will consider raising fuel taxes to fund much needed highway infrastructure projects