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U.S. DOT Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking Reviews Draft Report


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking (ACHT) held a public hearing on August 14, 2024, to review its draft report, “Preventing and Addressing Human Trafficking in the Transportation Sector.”

The advisory committee, which kicked off its first meeting in October 2023, was recharted under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and Congressionally mandated to produce a triennial counter-trafficking report with recommendations for countering human trafficking, an assessment of best practices by transportation stakeholders, and human trafficking violations involving commercial motor vehicles.

currently serves on DOT’s Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking and also served for the inaugural 2018-2019 term.

The 2023-2024 report updates progress achieved by the public and private sectors on the goals outlined in the 2018-2019 ACHT report titled, “The Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking Final Report: Combating Human Trafficking in the Transportation Sector.” The 2018-2019 report contained a total of 49 recommendations, including 13 recommendations for U.S. DOT, six for Congress, 13 for states, and 17 for private industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local transportation authorities.

Representatives from organizations that fight human trafficking as well as academics and representatives of the various modes of transportation, including trucking, bus, airlines and ports have worked for months to draft the report.

has highlighted the truck stop and travel center industry’s significant contributions in training employees to identify and report suspected incidents of human trafficking. also pushed back against calls for mandatory human trafficking training and mandatory data sharing, citing the significant existing level of support and commitment for training within the business community.

The committee must submit its final draft report to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg by mid-September. Secretary Buttigieg can either approve the report or return it to the committee for revision. A final report is due to Congress on November 15, 2024.

The draft ACHT report includes recommendations for U.S. DOT, Congress, states, private industry, associations and NGOs, and local transportation stakeholders in specific areas of leadership and funding; policies and reporting; partnerships; training and awareness; research and data; victim and survivor support.

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Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman
Wlazlowski Neuman leads and the Foundation’s public affairs initiatives and communications strategies to promote the truck stop and travel center industry to the public, opinion leaders, elected officials, and the media. Her outreach includes a spectrum of policy issues facing the industry, with a particular focus on transportation and fuel issues, truck parking, and human trafficking. She serves as NATSO’s representative on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Truck Parking Coalition, the Clean Freight Coalition, and various state truck parking technical advisory committees. She is the architect of the truck stop and travel center industry’s anti-human trafficking campaign and currently serves as a Committee member for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council. Wlazlowski Neuman serves on the American Highway Users Policy and Government Affairs Committee.

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